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Return Policy


You agree that to be eligible for the return of a product or service, you should make a claim for reimbursement within 2 hours upon availing the product or service. We will immediately notify You on the status of Your refund after inspecting the product or service. In case of damage, the refund shall be processed only after due verification.

We shall make reimbursements for returns without undue delay, within:

   (i) 3-7 working days based on the nature of the product or service availed and processed not later than

   (ii) 30 days, after the day we receive back from You, any goods supplied with proper inspection of the same.

We shall bear the freight charges incurred at the time of taking back the goods.

In any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of the reimbursement. The mode of reimbursement shall be through bank transfer within 7-14 days and for the same purpose the You should comply by providing the necessary details for bank transfer.

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